Hear the birds

Hear the birds

Atmospheric biodiverse garden


The existing garden was mostly laid to lawn with an overgrown yew tree and an attractive circular patio. It felt narrow and a bit hemmed in with so much fence visible.


The brief was to create a pretty garden for all seasons that provided food, colour and helped wildlife.


The design retained the circular theme with stepping-stones leading to a mini pond, bench and shed. This enables the owners to not ruin the grass in winter when accessing the shed, but without dividing the already narrow space with a straight path.

Fruit trees (plums and gauges) were planted to the sides and one central tree reinforced the circular theme and will become more characterful as it ages. It helps to provide some privacy in summer when sitting on the bench. A Marjorie’s Seedling plum tree on the left hand side of the shed helps to screen views of the houses behind. Dividing a narrow garden into sections and adding trees, help to make it seem bigger.

The owners favourite colours were pinks, purples and blues so wildlife friendly flowers were chosen in these tones

If you’d like to find out more about how it works or you’re keen to get started please do get in touch, we are always delighted to talk to you.

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