Hear the birds

Hear the birds


Hi, I’m Clare, an architect with a passion for gardens and the environment. While designing eco homes, my work naturally extended to garden design. I realised that collectively, gardens big and small could be part of a wider network of improved biodiversity, so I set up a separate garden design business to expand this aim. Hear the Birds specialises in gardens that are made for humans and wildlife. Biodiverse and Beautiful.

What's different

I combine my architectural design skills with a passion for plants and the environment. I like nothing better than sitting in my own garden listening to the birds and the gentle hum of insect life around me. Gardens that are both beautiful and biodiverse are what I want to share with others.

Why I do it

My passion for gardens started age 25 (when it was not cool to garden as it is now) growing vegetables. A few pots of beans soon turned into renovating a rented garden, shortly followed by an allotment and then two. As a farmer’s daughter I love being outside and caught the bug of growing delicious things to eat. This soon extended to ornamental plants, with a particular interest in native plants and their varieties. I am a former chair of Helmdon Gardening Club and a keen current member of Sulgrave Gardening Club.

If you’d like to find out more about how it works or you’re keen to get started please do get in touch, we are always delighted to talk to you.

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Free ebook

Do you want more wildlife in your garden? If so this free ebook will be super helpful. Fill in the form below to download 7 Quick and Pretty Wildlife Wins for Your Garden.